

Whether you’re a young or senior adult, single, or married with kids, you’ll feel encouraged by the authentic community we have at Hope Church. You can visit as many times as you want without any obligations or pressure. And who knows—you just might decide to make Hope your new church home! As you plan your visit, here are some things to know.

What to expect

  • What should i wear?

    Dress however you feel comfortable. You’ll see all kinds of people here wearing all types of clothing styles.

  • What about my kids?

    We have kids programming for children from birth - 5th grade.

    • If you are new, save time by filling out this online form Hope Kids New Visitor Form
    • When you arrive on Sunday, go to the Hope Kids Check-In desk and a friendly volunteer will quickly print a check-in tag for your child and a parent pick-up tag for you. 
    • If you are unable to fill out the form before arriving, no worries! We have clipboards with these forms ready for you at the Kids Check-In Desk!
  • Where should I park?

    Parking is available on campus or next door at the school. We have a parking team on golf carts who will be glad to drive you back and forth to your car no matter where you park. If you park at the school, it is a short 1-2 minute walk to our campus. 

  • Where are you located?

    We are located at 16430 FM 2854, in Montgomery. Directly next to Lone Star Elementary School. 

  • What's the Sunday morning schedule?

    9:30am Worship

    Adult Hope Groups

    Hope Students (6th-12th grade)

    Hope Kids (birth - 5th grade)

    11am Worship

    Adult Hope Groups

    Hope Kids (birth - 5th grade)

    *Each service lasts approximately 1 hour. 

  • What is Midweek?

    MIDWEEK is our Wednesday night connection point that includes dinner and groups! 

    Midweek dinner runs from mid August - November and January-May

    Dinner - 5:30-6:30pm

    Groups - 6:30-8pm

    Learn More

  • Text & weekly Email newsletter

    TEXT “START” to 903-459-6953 to opt-in to receive texts from us!

    We also communicate important news and info through our Wednesday email newsletter.

    Newsletter Sign up

  • Connect with us when you get here!

    If you’d like to learn more about Hope, stop by Welcome Table before or after service to speak with a volunteer. We’d love to share more about our heart and ministry as well as learn more about you and give you a free gift! The table is outside under the awning. 


16430 FM 2854, Montgomery, TX

(Next to Lone Star Elementary School)