FOr generations

Stewardship Initiative

A 3-Year Stewardship Journey at Hope Church

For Generations is a 3-year stewardship initiative with two goals:
1. To steward the vision God has given Hope Church to make-disciples & plant churches by putting a generational anchor in the ground in Montgomery County through the construction of a community focused ministry center.

2. To seek God's will for input as to how each of us is to fulfill His will for the nations through our church.

A Message from pastor Justin

Dear Hope Family, 

I believe that God has provided us with a unique opportunity through our For Generations initiative. God has been so profoundly good to us in our five years of existence, and we believe now is the time for us to put an anchor in the ground that will maximize the five acres that God has given us. As we focus on this stewardship initiative, I want you to reflect on God’s blessings in your life and upon our church. Certainly, we cannot help but feel gratitude and anticipation as we seek God’s will and press forward in our vision to be a church that grows and multiplies from neighbors to nations.


I am fully confident that For Generations will open new doors of opportunity for Hope Church. With the success of this initiative, we will be able to effectively broaden our ministries and provide supplemental programs for discipleship, outreach, and become an even stronger hub of ministry and multiplication as we press forward in our mission. 


We are now challenged to give sacrificially, over and above our current tithes for three years. The For Generations initiative requires diligent prayer and obedience to God’s leading. I genuinely believe that we’re ready for this challenge. Let us enter together boldly into this endeavor, believing in God’s provision and grace.


With a heart full of gratitude and faith, I ask you to consider your part in this sacred task. What is given is a personal decision between individuals and God. What we accomplish together will benefit many now and generations yet to come. God has done great things, but the best is yet to come!


Love you all,

Justin Dancer, Lead Pastor

For Generations Purpose

To fund a ministry center that will be a brand-new structure, professionally crafted and designed to meet both current ministry needs and to be able to grow with us, with the following features:
  • ~34,000 square feet of multi-function ministry space.
  •  Multi-level indoor children’s play area.
  • Cafe open to public.
  • Spacious & secure kid’s ministry wing.
  • Indoor gym with public recreation opportunities.
  • ~500 seat worship center.
  • Communal office space for staff & outside ministry/community organizations.
  • Multi-function adult ministry spaces designed for a variety of gathering types.
  • 80+% increase in paved parking on-site
  •  Outdoor playground and common area.
  • On-site commercial kitchen.
  • Spacious lobby with multiple spaces crafted for connection & conversation.

Commonly Asked Questions

  • The ultimate purpose of the For Generations stewardship initiate is to steward the vision God has given us to "multiply hope in Christ through making disciple-makers and planting church planting churches." Hope Church aims to maximize our current five acres in Montgomery County through this initiative, a stewardship campaign to fund the construction of a Ministry Center that will put a generational anchor in the ground honoring generations past, equipping current generations for Gospel impact, and positioning Hope Church to multiply hope in Christ for generations to come. 

  • As a 5-year old church plant, Hope Church is at capacity in most ministry spaces on our current campus, namely worship, kids, and discipleship. This project seeks to maximize the five acres of land God gave Hope Church in 2020, address those constraints, serve to establish Hope Church as a ministry center in Montgomery County for generations to come, and create critical mass to resource our vision of being a church planting hub.

  • Current project cost estimates are around $8M to fully fund this stewardship initiative and complete the accompanying building project.

  • Through this initiative, we are asking individuals & households to pray and respond to the Holy Spirit in making 3-year financial pledges above and beyond normal giving amounts as seed money for the project and then to give those gifts faithfully. These pledges will serve as a foundation for financing to cover the remaining estimated construction costs, if needed, under the guidance of the Hope Church Finance Team.

  • The current building design accomplishes this by crafting beautiful, multi-function ministry space to meet current and future ministry demands in a variety of ways. Spaces have been designed with purpose, but also with flexibility and community engagement in mind.

  • Pending God’s provision through this stewardship initiative in conjunction with the wise council of our Finance Team, the goal would be to break ground in early 2026 with construction estimates landing anywhere from 12-24 months.

  • We hope to stay in our current facilities and seamlessly transition from our current to new, but it may be necessary for a time to return to worshiping off-site due to factors outside our control like construction site safety or permitting from County authorities.

  • Hope Church empowered a volunteer building team in May 2023 to pursue adding on to our current facilities as a primary objective to meet current needs and provide space for future growth. This team concluded that work and reported that it would not be feasible to add on to Building A for a lengthy list of civil, structural, and cost reasons. Offices and meeting spaces currently in Building B are a part of the new design. The current site plan retains Buildings C and D.

    1. Pray regularly. 
    2. Participate in the events and meetings. Make a commitment to learn as much as you can about the campaign and the vision.
    3. Give sacrificially. The vision God has granted us can only be achieved through faith and sacrifice. We have the privilege to be a part of growing His Kingdom for generations to come!

financial goals

$2M, $2.5M, $3M

Building and planning for the future takes wisdom and faith. Pastor Justin Dancer, along with the leadership of Hope Church, has been seeking wisdom and praying earnestly to hear God’s will in this process. 

We have three potential goals in this campaign. 

1. The first goal is set at an attainable $2 million. 

2. The second goal may take a little faith, set at $2.5 million. 

3. Our third goal of $3 million is attainable as well when we give generously with our finished goal in mind. 

After all, we serve a BIG & MIGHTY God and with Him, we can do BIG & MIGHTY things!


"Hope Church has become a part a micro community for me and my wife, and what better people to have community with than with like-minded wonderful Christians serving God together."


"Hope Church has given us a sense of family. We have been able to fit in and find ways to serve with the most amazing people. Each week we attend we learn how to become closer to God and further our spiritual walk. Everyone is so friendly and there is never a feeling of judgement if you have a question. We love this church and the church family."

Caleb jordan

"If Hope Church did not exist, I feel like the motivation would not be there to go to church because I believe this is where we are supposed to be."

Karen Fullenwider

“I would not have met the people that are not just my friends, but my family. My faith would not be as strong and I would not know the Bible as much as I do now. 

I would not have been able to get through my cancer journey without my Hope Church.  Honestly, I don't want to think what my life would be like without Hope Church.”

How to give


1. Indicate your pledge to the initiative by clicking here: PLEDGE NOW

2. Mail to give at: 16430 FM 2854, Montgomery, TX 77316.

3. Place your gift in the offering box on Sundays.

4. To set up giving click here: GIVE NOW

Pray, engage, give.

Yes, our church has been called to this, but so have you! Christ called you into this body of believers. You are not here by accident. You have a role to play. That means we are all in this together.